
I congratulate you and celebrate your accomplishment of your soon to be published book (Evolution: Beyond the Realm of Real Science). I am sure that it will be a blessing to many...May God continue to bless you abundantly on this incredible journey - Dr. Robert A. Schuller - Internationally known American Televangelist, Pastor and Author
I think Mr. Persaud has uncovered the true agenda of evolutionism...I pray that as you read the book (Evolution: Beyond the Realm of Real Science), you may be enlightened about the true meaning of life...and the truth of a loving God who created you and this universe for a grand purpose - Reza Safa - Internationally known Iranian/American Christian Evangelist
I enjoyed reading The Da Vinci Code Revisited by Christopher H.K. Persaud...The first, larger section deals with the errors in Dan Brown's novel, and the second deals with who Christ really is. The book provides valuable instruction and many prophecies in support of the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ...This (book) is not an easy or quick read, but it contains all you need to debunk the popular but heretical book, The Da Vinci Code - Mary DeKock Blowers for Readers Favorite International
The Christian apologetics writer and multi-pubbed Xlibris author Christopher Persaud has five international awards to date. His Xlibris book, The Da VInci Code Revisited was awarded a silver medal in the Inspirational category of the 2014 Readers Favorite International Book competition. The book also earned a five-star review from Readers' Favorite International's official book reviewing body - Xlibris Corporation (Notable Xlibris Authors blog)
The best part of Christopher Persaud's book, Blessings, Miracles, & Supernatural Experiences is its structure and organization. A well written book. Although the author recounts numerous blessings and miracles in his life and in the lives of his loved ones, he would like to underscore the importance of acknowledging the fact that the life of a Christran believer is not an existence bereft of trials and tribulations....The author shares about the loss of his brother (John) who fought valiantly for three months after he suffered a massive intracerebral stroke...The synopsis of the chapters in the beginning of the book is noteworthy - Judge (24th Annual Writers Digest Self-published Book Awards)
My concerns, however, were allayed by the quality of your writing, its logical progression, and the strength of your arguments. I'm also impressed by the gentle steering of the reader toward an understanding of Jesus as the Savior...With your persistence and attention to detail, I believe you have a book (Evolution: Beyond the Realm of Real Science) worthy of being on shelves, in libraries, and in universities - Dave Robie & BigScore Productions
Contending for the Faith by Christopher H.K. Persaud was a very different kind of read for me. I found it to be extremely compelling and thought provoking as well. Persaud has a real knack for writing and it shows through his work...The book contains contemplative inquiries and arguments that both endorse and advance the Gospel of Christ, along with establishing Biblical truth. I found it to be quite inspiring, and not too preachy at all. Instead, it is an honest work...I found this book to be extremely well written, and definitely one that most religious people should read - Veronica Ruggiero for Readers Favorite International
Blessings, Miracles, & Supernatural Experiences is a fascinating , in-depth look at miracles from God, and more specifically, what it means to have God on your side and in your life....In all cases Persaud makes it very clear - only by calling on the name of Jesus can we escape the worst that the spirit world has to throw at us. He has done a thorough job with Blessings, Miracles & Supernatural Experiences and provides many references of Scripture from the Bible, in addition to well known Bible scholars and evangelists to back up his statements and stories...This book would be a good addition to the libraries of Christians, particularly if they are in the mission field - Mary DeKok Blowers for Readers Favorite International