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Featured in "Autumn Years", a Bergen, New Jersey, USA magazine that reflects on the lives of
residents over sixty - Spring 2015

With Program Director Kevin Cottrell of NY/NJ talk radio WNYM-AM. Interview with Kevin about my 2013 prize-winning book EVOLUTION - BEYOND THE REALM OF REAL SCIENCE was aired on 100 Christian radio stations across the USA.

Featured author in INDIE OBSERVER, an international periodical for independent writers sponsored by Xlibris Corporation - November/December 2011. Xlibris Corporation is considered the largest indendent publishing organization in the world. My book, The Da Vinci Code Revisited (2013), was selected as the
Indie Observer's first ever Critics' Choice selection.
Citations/Awards from Readers Favorite International and the Book Excellence Awards organization.
Citations/Awards from Xulon Press (Christian Choice Book Awards)
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